Whitney Web Page
Misc Photos - Family and Friends
The Haynes & the Whitney's -
a long, close family connection

Bob Haynes at OSV in 1969

I just learned of Bob Haynes' passing on March 30, 2013 at the age of 92. He was a wonderful
person and close family friend as this tribute from 2011 shows. He will be missed!
Southbridge News Obituary

My YouTube video/audio of the 1955 Flood
Featuring audio by Bob Haynes

Bob's recollections of the Frederick MD AO Frame Plant

Bob with Bob Griese  (L) and Dorothy Hamil (R) who were sponsored by AO for the Celebrity Frames in 1979

Read how Bob helped me solve a Murder ID Investigation using his AO Catalogs for Frames

Tribute to Bob Haynes on his 90th Birthday
March 2, 2011

Bob Haynes and Don Whitney met in 1947, the year Don Started work at American Optical. That summer, Jan and Ann met at an AO picnic hosted by Byron Zeigler. The photo below was taken at such an event and is the first photo on this page, which is a tribute to the long standing friendship between the Whitney and Haynes family. In going thru the Whitney archive of photos, it is clear that the longest and closest of friendships between two families has been our link with the Hayneses!

Here is a look by decade at some memorable times together. Thru the years, from the late 1950's until 1998 (when Don Whitney passed away), our families talked via Ham radio. This happened almost daily for decades when Bob and Ann lived in Maryland and later Florida, but even occur ed when the lived on Litchfield Ave and Cole Ave in Southbridge.

Download 33 mb slideshow for Bob




Bob Haynes, Bobby, Dick Whitney and Ann Haynes


Dad at his Ham Radio rig in 1962- W1NEP

Bob at OSV

Sara Haynes and Sue






Happy Anniversary by ham radio.

This was Bob and Ann Hayneses recorded greetings for Mom and Dad's 50th in 1997:



122 Litchfield Ave 

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Any comments? E-mail to dickwhitney@charter.net